The 15th I4CS, will be held in Nuremberg/Germany from July 8 till 10, 2015, dedicated to challenging aspects around modern community systems.
Due to the rapid evolution of web technologies and rich mobile devices, ICT support for communities is possible on next quality level. Moreover, different types of applications are using the Internet as a large distributed system. So mobile users and pervasive systems pose new technological and organizational challenges. Trying to achieve this, we challenge new research questions in a wide range of connected fields. In search of innovative solutions, multi-disciplinary collaboration among researchers and industry partners is essential. Hence, the goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers, experts, and practitioners from various areas related to novel Internet Community Services.
The I4CS is a direct follower of the former "International Conference on Innovative Internet Community Systems" (I2CS).
The program commitee calls for contributions for the 15th International Conference on Innovations for Community Services dealing with theoretical, methodological, and technological aspects of the Internet Systems as well as business, governmental, and other applications. The selection of I4CS topics encompasses aspects of Internet Community Systems. The topics include, but are not limited to original work in the following areas:
I4CS solicits submissions of unpublished papers presenting research results, industrial experiences and applications, as well as detailed specifications of open problems.
Electronic submission is required. Full papers of no more than 8 pages, following the instructions for authors, and written in English should be submitted as PDF files using the EasyChair conference man-agement system, available via : EasyChair. All submitted papers will be subject to a double reviewing process by the program committee.
Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases..